
Barcelona Aging and Longevity Lab

Privacy policy

Our commitment to your privacy

Responsible for the treatment

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

Identity: Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili
Postal address: Esteve Terradas, 30 08023 Barcelona.
Telephone: 932 59 40 00
Email: info@ballaginglab.org

Purposes of treatment

For what purposes do we process your personal data?

In compliance with the provisions of General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, we inform you that we will process your data to improve our services, provide customer service and keep the user informed about the latest health news.

Legitimation of the treatment

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

Your data will be processed in accordance with the following legitimacy established in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 General Data Protection (GDPR): for compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the person responsible for the treatment, as established in the article 9.2 section h) of the RGPD, in addition to what is established in the same Law 21/2000 of December 29 on the rights of information concerning the health and autonomy of the patient and clinical documentation; by the consent of the interested party for the processing of their personal data for one or more purposes (article 6.1.a) RGPD) or for the execution of a contract in accordance with the provisions of article 6.1.b) of the RGPD.

Data recipients

To which third parties will we communicate your personal data?

Your data will only be communicated to the founding or collaborating entities of this project.

Data retention period

Your data will be kept as long as it is necessary to respond to your request or maintain the appropriate relationship with you.


What rights do you have and how can you exercise them?

The interested parties may exercise, if they wish, the rights of access, rectification and deletion of data, as well as request that the processing of their personal data be limited, oppose the processing, and request the portability of their data, through the following media:

  • By sending a written request to the indicated postal address.
  • By sending a request to the email info@ballaginglab.org.

The interested parties may, in relation to those treatments that are based on obtaining their consent, withdraw their consent through the procedure detailed in the previous paragraph.

Likewise, if you believe that the protection of any of your rights has been violated, you can file a claim with the Catalan Data Protection Authority (https://seu.apd.cat/).